Black Male Mentors Just Makes Sense
Why is having good black male mentors so important? Well, Representation is everything. Especially for our youth, who are easily impressionable. Representation helps them to expand their mindset and see that they can achieve anything they want in life. The ultimate black male mentor, former President Barack Obama is a perfect example – because of Barack, millions of black boys across the globe know that they have the potential to be fearless and respected political leaders in this country.
This places a significant importance on mentors, particularly for underserved youth. A mentor is a trusted counselor or guide who provides support in various aspects of the mentee’s development, whether academic or professional. Most importantly, a mentor is someone who emulates and personifies all that our youth aspire to be. For many, a mentor is integral to reaching their goals and their character development. In a position of such influence to the mentee and their community, choosing the right mentor for underserved youth is critical. Read on to learn why black male mentors are the best choice for young black boys.
#1 – They are culturally responsive | The Top 4 Reasons Why Black Male Mentors Are Key
It’s established that black boys face many challenges growing up, including the failure of key systems that are supposed to help shape their development. Considering black boys have a unique set of experiences growing up that often influences their development, it’s important that their mentors have also had those experiences too. In order to properly address those challenges, they must be acknowledged first. If the mentor does not have firsthand experience as a black male with these challenges, mentor/mentee relationships can be susceptible to cultural misunderstandings and mistrust. And like all relationships, successful mentorships are based on empathy and trust.
Knowing the current reality of outcomes for black boys, mentoring programs must be culturally responsive or else they can fall flat for both parties. This starts with knowledge and awareness of the discrimination and systems of oppression that black men face and is sustained with open discussion throughout the mentorship. When this happens, the mentee is able to practice engaging in a higher level of thinking with another like-minded adult and they begin to develop healthy attitudes and beliefs about their race.
#2 – They reinforce positive racial identity | The Top 4 Reasons Why Black Male Mentors Are Essential
Discussions about race, while not always easy, ultimately results in a stronger racial affiliation and feelings of connectedness within the community. Underserved youth who once felt alone and misunderstood can now build on the common ground they have with their mentor to boost their own self-worth. Black mentors act as positive influences that can challenge any negative internalized feelings that underserved youth may have about their own race.
Black male mentors provide black youth with a renewed sense of value that positively impacts their personality and actions.
Additionally, research shows that positive racial identity is strongly associated with more academic motivation for African American middle and high school students. When youth are able to define themselves in terms of their race, they feel a sense of group pride and have a more positive academic performance. While there are many factors that can contribute to the racial identity of under-served youth, having a mentor of the same race provides a direct connection to who they are.
#3 – They have critical consciousness | The Top 4 Reasons Why Black Male Mentors Are Essential
Because they have a common understanding, black male mentors and black boys can have real conversations. Talking about the implications of race and socioeconomic status will allow the pair to discover how these issues may affect their everyday lives and develop a critical consciousness. Critical consciousness is the ability to perceive and understand social, political, and economic oppression’s. With critical consciousness, it’s possible to deal with these issues and take corrective action that can result in tangible change for our under-served youth.
If under-served youth have the tools to discuss and understand racial and socioeconomic issues, they are able to position themselves to not be conquered by it.
This empowerment gives young black boys the capacity to understand their strengths and also have a respect for the perseverance and resilience of their community, which will then help them persevere through the challenges they may face growing up.
#4 – They help addresses opportunity gaps | The Top 4 Reasons Why Black Male Mentors Are Essential
The unique challenges that young black men may face can cause them to disproportionately experience economic and social disadvantages. This includes over-referral for school disciplinary action and special education as well as obstacles in enrollment and completion of college that can have serious and lasting implications on their future earning potential. However, a mentorship can act as both an intervention and a networking connection to turn those challenges into opportunities.
Black male mentors provide black youth with both proactive support to enhance their success and a second chance to be reconnected to the essential structures that will help them reach their full potential.
The consistently supportive nature of the mentorship provides a safe place to work through the concerns and struggles that young black mentees may have in reaching critical milestones in school and interpersonal relationships. Mentorship provides an avenue for the mentor to share their personal and professional knowledge and expertise that can help young black boys navigate through those milestones and think more broadly about their future. For example, black professionals have had to develop tools that empower them to be self-sufficient and distinguished workers to succeed in today’s job market. As a black mentor, they can share these tools and provide invaluable guidance to their mentees.