I Fought to Be This Happy
Discover how to embrace the gift of the present and move through the traumas and losses of your past with moments from Author Moses T. Alexander Greene’s fight toward re-defining and attaining happiness.
In this insightful book, Moses T. Alexander Greene examines a question asked by one of his former college scholars: “Professor, when will you know when you are happy?” Greene is at his best as he reveals 35 lessons of wisdom, personal discovery, loss, relational failures, and epiphanies that helped him understand why “happiness” always eluded him.
He shares:
* How the crushing experience of being a self-centered teenager who never made time for a high school classmate dying from cancer changed his life
* Why it took an injury that briefly left him physically incapacitated to realize that pain was often the only indicator he had pushed himself too far
* How waiting one night before making a reckless decision could have saved him years of regret and feeling bankrupt in his
* How his grandfather, the late Harvey Gorham, taught him the most valuable lesson of his life: “How to Fall”.
Greene has written this book for one reason: happiness is worth re-defining for yourself and then fighting for it! To do this, he wants you to change the litmus test for your happiness from external factors outside of your control and to understand that you’re living to hear God say “Well done” not “Perfect job”.
If you are ready to take responsibility for your life and have the desire to fight until happiness flows vibrantly wherever you are today, this book is for you!
So when will you know you are happy?