“Your greatest assets are your time and your mind.
I like to say it like this:
Use your time to develop your mind.”
Billie Miller “The Motivational Minister”
I think it’s time for you to have a much-needed vacation. You’re probably saying, “Yes! Amen to that.” Before you start packing your bags and searching for plane tickets, let me explain… I’m not talking about a regular vacation that involves relaxing, traveling, touring, eating exotic foods, etc. I’m referring to a Vision Vacation.
What is a “Vision Vacation”? This is when you take time off of your job and put a major focus on your vision. Instead of working 40 hours this particular week, you’ll request this time off by using your PDO (Paid Days Off), vacation days, personal days, or what have you. Then you’ll spend those 40 hours working on your VISION.
For example, you have big goals that you want to accomplish. Due to your job and family responsibilities, you only have a small window of time to work on your goals daily. Doing what you can through daily and weekly routines, it may take you 3 months to accomplish these goals. But if you take this time off from work and dedicate it to working on your goals, what would’ve taken 3 months will now only take 3 weeks! This is the benefit of a Vision Vacation.
For better understanding, let me share an excerpt from Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles”:
“I also encourage you to set what I call a breakthrough goal that would represent a quantum leap for you and your career. Most goals represent incremental improvements in your life. They are like plays that gain you 4 yards in the game of football. But what if you could come out on the first play of the game and throw a 50-yard pass? That would be a quantum leap in your progress. Just as there are plays in football that move you far up the field in one move, there are plays in life that will do the same thing.”
This is your next play. You will literally chop months off of your goals by taking a Vision Vacation.
Are you trying to accomplish something?
You need a Vision Vacation.
Do you have a vision?
You need a Vision Vacation.
Do you have a Vision Board?
You need a Vision Vacation.
A Vision Board will not do you any good without a Vision Vacation. A vision board will show you where to go, but a Vision Vacation will take you there.
I take Vision Vacations all of the time.
Many of my books were written during Vision Vacation.
Many ideas were birthed during Vision Vacation.
Many decisions were made during Vision Vacation.
This is the time to focus.
This is the time to reflect.
It’s like pushing “PAUSE” on the world, so you can see things clearly.
So, before you go on that cruise, write that book!
Before you go to the Bahamas, build that business!
After a Vision Vacation, you come back with more than just a tan. You come back with a brand!
Am I saying to never take a regular vacation? Of course not! I take those too. But I take way more Vision Vacations than I do regular ones, because I’m trying to go somewhere. I believe you’re trying to do the same. Look at your calendar and schedule yourself a Vision Vacation.
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ~ John C. Maxwell
BILLIE MILLER “The Motivational Minister” is a Bible teacher, speaker, and a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. Thousands of lives have been changed through Billie’s powerful teachings. For more information please visit www.BillieMiller.com. Follow Billie on Instagram & Twitter (@BillieMiller7) and on Facebook (BillieMillerPage).