Most guys on this journey don’t talk about this. They suppress their feelings and keep them in like secrets in a vault.
They want to be their wife’s hero and forget about the Clark Kent side that exists within. They hide behind a smile and strength; however, the pain within their hearts is weakening them.
I didn’t hate Father’s Day because I had a terrible dad. My dad is a good dad and I‘m thankful that he’s still here.
I didn’t hate Father’s Day because I didn’t have male emotional support. My dad, grandfathers, uncles, and cousins love me. For some, I think that I am their favorite…LOL
I know it may shock you, but there are some guys who also dream of being a father. At a very young age, I knew I wanted to be a dad. I had a dream of becoming a father. I looked forward to seeing a little mini-me who had my DNA.
So I had this dream, but what was going on in our lives wasn’t matching the dream. Every year that Father’s Day came around I was thankful for my dad. However, I secretly hated Father’s Day because it was another reminder that I wasn’t a dad yet.
Until about three years ago on Father’s Day, I would sit in my office and weep before going out to preach to my congregation about God being a good Father, but yet I wasn’t a father yet. I am honored to be a spiritual father and coach to many; however, it doesn’t replace my dream to be a biological father.
I‘m better. I don’t weep on Father’s Day anymore. I don’t hate the day as much…LOL I‘m making progress and I choose to stay in peace and my trust is still in God.
Rodney D. Robertson affectionately known as Coach Rod. For about 25 years, he has been equipping people to win in relationships and business and is passionate about coaching and giving people the tools that they need to win in their personal and professional lives. He is also, the CEO and Lead Consultant of Impact Solutionz Consulting, LLC and the publisher at Impact Publishing, LLC where over the past 12 years successfully written and published five books.